It's Not About the Bamboo Toothbrush

It's Not About the Bamboo Toothbrush
Our adaptation of the words set in stone by Marcus Aurelius "What we do now echoes in eternity."  Written in Greek by the only Roman emperor who was also a philosopher. You may also remember a version from Maximus in the movie Gladiator - "What we do in life, echoes in eternity." Used to great effect as a rallying war-cry before going into battle, and almost certain death. Since the industrial revolution in the 1800s, we have exploded as a global population with higher living standards and increasing levels of consumption. With the addition of industrial agriculture and industrial fishing, we are fast becoming a burden on our ecosystem that supports all life on earth, unwittingly creating the same potential fate as Maximus and his soldiers! But.... we are resilient, we are resourceful and together we can make a difference and ultimately change course towards a more sustainable way of living.

This is why we created Bamboo Launch! We are on a mission to bring our 4 values to every family home, starting with the 28 million family homes in the UK. Legacy - Let your time on this earth leave a positive impact on the environment and those around you. Fun - Make it fun so the young will follow. What's ours today is theirs tomorrow. Begin Anywhere - Changing to a bamboo toothbrush isn't going to change the world, but it's a small step in the right direction. Community - Together we can make a vast difference. There has never been a more urgent time for us to make changes to the way we live our lives and run our family homes. It's not about the bamboo toothbrush, it's about the journey you start towards a more sustainable way of living, one step at a time. We hope you enjoy our range of eco-friendly products and join us on our family transition.